Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
My Priests, Beloved Sons, Keep Faith with Your Oath to Me
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of May 1, 2023

My hand blesses you, beloved child.
Jesus the Keeper of Israel seals a Covenant of New Covenant with His beloved people.
My children, your faithfulness has moved Me, you have touched My Heart, for your dedication to Me, I will grace you.
Write My children, write to My people:
My beloved children, come forth in Me, do not be afraid to present yourselves in My Holy Name for I will be with you and no evil will befall you. I will be your Shield, I Myself will direct through your hands deadly thunderbolts against your enemies. Beloved Children, sanctify yourselves, do not lose yourselves in the false lights of this world, the Devil is at his last madness: pay no attention to him lest you fall into his deadly net.
My priests, beloved Sons, re-embrace in yourselves the Truth and proclaim it to the four winds. Gather My people to Me! Abide in God's holy Doctrine, ...let not a single comma of My Word be blotted out. Shake off your shoes from the dust of the things of the world, put My Word in you and announce My imminent Return to My people! Sanctify yourselves... My Sons, do not embrace false doctrines, hold fast to your oath to Me.
God awaits your awakening: do not lose the gift of eternal life for a day of glory on Earth! Have the compunction to return to your True God and ask His forgiveness for offending Him so cruelly.
Beloved Sons, put the cassock back into you, turn away now from the Lie! Shelter yourselves in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She is waiting to take you back to Her own, do not allow any more tears to the Blessed Virgin: approach Her purified and make yourselves worthy of the Anointing received from Me. Sanctify My Name, give Me the glory and honor due to Me, praise your God, do not waste His Love to you. Rise up, now, My Priests! It is now only a little while before the sounding of the shofar: the gathering of God's children has now come to its hour.
Do not trample on God's Commandments, O Priests, prostrate yourselves to Him who loves you so much and eagerly awaits your return to Him. You will soon hear a great uproar, ... it is the hour of the great cleansing of the Earth! Be ready!
Seek Me now while you still can, for afterwards it will be only sadness and death. Amen.
Source: ➥